Wm. T. Burnett hosts an A2LA accredited laboratory with a scope of accreditation in several tests applicable to the polyurethane foam industry.
Our Specialty and Technical Foams division has successfully designed and implemented a Quality Management System compliant with the international ISO 9001-2008 standard (Quality Systems Management Requirements). Initial certification was achieved in 2001 and has since undergone successful yearly assessments. This system focuses on accomplishing customer satisfaction through continual process and product improvement. Measuring equipment is calibrated by an outside supplier who has achieved ISO 9011-2008 and A2LA Certification (ISO / IEC 17025:2005).
Our Quality Control Laboratory has developed and implemented a Quality Management System that has successfully achieved and maintained ISO/IEC 17025:2005 since 2009.
We are currently in the process of working toward Certification to the International ISO 14001-2004 Standard (Environmental Management Systems).
Our Nonwoven Fabrics divisions in Statesville and Phoenix have also successfully designed and implemented a Quality Management System compliant with the international ISO 9001-2008 standard (Quality Systems Management Requirements); the North Carolina facility in 2004 and the Phoenix facility in 2008.
Polyurethane Foam is manufactured on a daily basis using closed-loop feedback process control. This allows for controllability of our equipment to tailor our specialty and technical foams to a uniform design on a daily basis.
Testing is conducted daily on each lot of polyurethane foam for accreditation and certification to our customers. In addition, we are capable of performing countless other tests-physical, analytical, or acoustical-to assist in providing you a product designed for your application.
In addition, Wm. T. Burnett hosts a research and development team that collaborates with our customers and suppliers to yield innovative products. This process can begin at any phase or point in your work, from ideation through product launch.